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Introducing 1XV Shirt Sponsor - Billy Fawkes of AES and Supup Bottles

Introducing 1XV Shirt Sponsor - Billy Fawkes of AES and Supup Bottles

Justin English8 Feb - 08:45
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Hello Billy, thanks for agreeing to do this. To start, tell me when and why you started playing rugby -
I started playing rugby when I was 13 years old when a couple of school friends kept talking about who they were playing and it just sounded interesting and it wasn’t something I ever thought of trying. I went down for my first training session and Darren Reynolds the coach for my age group made me feel really welcome and it made me want to come back.

Thank you for agreeing to sponsor this seasons 1XV shirts. AES is a family business I understand. Tell me a bit about how it came to be and your role in the business. -

yes it’s a family business, my Dad started the company in 1996 and has been a big part of my life. My dad has always supported the club ever since I first started whether it was holding the tackle bags or helping train us. We started sponsoring the first team because I have only just recently got back playing for sandal after a few years out, the typical found women and booze. I’m glad to be back playing though. My roll has just recently changed at AES to director of Asian operations due to us just opening a company in India.

And why did you agree to sponsor the 1XV?-
with me making my first team debut last season and a history of us sponsoring sandal, it just felt the right thing to do. It also feels good to see the family business on the front of a rugby shirt, especially a rugby club which has been a massive part of my life.

Back to rugby. So what positions have you played and which is your favourite and why?-
I’ve always played prop but for a pre season game we had a few weeks ago I played hooker which I didn’t feel out of place in. Darren always said I’d be a hooker with me being a “short arse” but he did put me in some questionable positions when I was younger, one of them being a winger; never thought I’d see the day.

Tell me about the dressing room Billy, what goes on down there?-
We always meet early, which I like because it allows the lads to get the general chit chat out of the way before we get our game heads on. It’s always a laugh, there’s always some topic of conversation about what’s happened at the last social or team night out.

You’ve always had a big smile on your face after a game. What is the after match socials like at sandal?-
I’m very lucky to have parents and friends come support sandal when I play so after the game it’s always great to see the people close to me, even if it is the banter about my flaws of the game. The socials are always a load of fun especially when the moral is high and everyone’s just buzzing. It involves a lot of pints and sometimes even a night out in Wakefield. I’m focusing more on my heath these days so am normally going straight home to get in the bath and chill out.

So what are your playing highlights and lowlights?-
my main highlight of playing rugby was playing for silcoates school in the NatWest cup, we reach the semi finals and played at Allianz’s stadium. It was something I’ll never forget, even more because we lost, but still a great experience. Low points definitely have a few, especially playing York at home for the colts when I injured my MCL, it knocked my confidence and only until last year I wanted to play again, obviously not looked back since I started again!

Who has inspired you the most Billy?-
The person who has inspired me the most is hands down my Dad, he started his company against all odds and it became a success with now three branches across the globe. I also find my dad inspiring because of how humble he is regardless of his success.

And finally, what is it about Sandal that keeps you coming back?-
With sandal being my local team and coming from a young age it’s always going to be my club. It has a good vibe and is just a friendly place to be, the team is very close and all of us would die for one another on that pitch. It’s worth the sponsorship and it’s always nice to support the local community

Thank you for chatting Billy and I wish you well with your business and your rugby journey

Further reading